
Showing posts from 2019

Don’t Let The Fear Of Failure Stop You From Trying

 Don’t Let The Fear Of Failure Stop You From Trying  Society puts so much emphasis on success that it prevents many of us from going after our dreams – from going after what makes us happy, what put shivers down our spines, and butterflies in our stomachs. The need to succeed is so fundamental in our minds that it’s terrifying for many of us to try at all. I don’t let the fear of failure stop me from trying anymore. I take risks. Some may call it crazy because I get hurt more than the average person, but I find it liberating. I don’t have to live with that dull, constant pain of not knowing. I don’t have to live with the what-ifs. I dedicate my free time to my wildest dreams, even when I know the chances of success are slim. I don’t hesitate to put myself out there, even when I know I’ll be made fun of because people are all too often expected to hide the intensity of their minds. And I fight for my relationships until there is not an ounce of hope l...

Be You, For You

Be You, For You We all have this intrinsic and innate need to be accepted. We need to feel like we belong somewhere. I believe it’s an integral of our human nature because somewhere subconsciously we know that connectedness is the way humans thrive. Despite it being a literal part of our human make-up, I want you to deviate from it. I want you to learn when to listen to that innate sense and when not to. I believe that it can misguide us, lead us to believe that we can’t fit in or that we have to change in order to be a part of something. This is an ill thinking pattern that we have adapted to because we thought we had to because we didn’t know anything else. My personal experience with shedding this mindset resulted in losing friendships, throwing out half my closet, reading more fucking books, healing my family history, openly sharing my poetry, a lot of alone time, time away from my phone, ending a relationship, and extreme reflection. I know some of...

This Is Why Passionate Girls Come Across As Clingy

This Is Why Passion ate Girls Come Across As Clingy She texts first and initiates dates and blurts out how she feels. But that doesn’t mean she’s clingy. She’s not going to wilt without your love. She can survive on her own. She’s perfectly capable of lasting the weekend without a hot date and eating a dinner cooked for one. This girl isn’t desperate. She’s passionate. She would rather come on too strong than too weak. She would rather admit that she cares than pretend that she’s heartless. She isn’t interested in games. Sending mixed signals. Playing hard to get. Trying to trick someone into liking her by being a watered down version of herself. In her mind, it’s better to text back after two seconds than two hours. It’s better to make plans than act like she’s too busy to see you. It’s better to admit how much she likes you than to hint about her feelings for months. Why lie? Why pretend? Why not take a leap and speak fro...

Overthinking Will Chase Away Your Forever Person

Overthinking Will Chase Away Your Forever Person Overthinking will ruin your relationship, because it means you are not talking to each other. It means you are assuming what your person meant when they sent a certain text or used a certain tone. It means that instead of feeling comfortable enough to ask them a question to get clarification, you are choosing to guess what has been running through their mind to avoid a conversation. Overthinking will chase away your forever person because it makes it look like you think the worst of them. You are probably paranoid due to your own insecurities , but it doesn’t seem that way from their point of view. If you are worried they are cheating every time they come home late and worried they are making fun of you every time they smile at their phone — then it looks like you don’t trust them. It looks like you think they are heartless and willing to hurting you. If this person really is your forever, then you should be ...

We Are Girls With Anxiety

 We are girls with anxiety. We are girls with anxiety. The type that experiences emotional exhaustion we can’t even explain because we spend so much time thinking and planning and overthinking and apologizing and replaying scenarios in our minds wondering about different outcomes. We are girls with anxiety. The type that has calendars booked and appointments set months in advance. The type who has everything color coded and organized and on some list that we always seem to accomplish even if it means losing sleep to get whatever we need done. We’d rather do that than ever disappoint anyone or disappoint ourselves. The type that never says no to people. The type that is always on time or speeding to get there so we are, as we curse at red lights under our breath. We are girls with anxiety. The type that stays up at night and doesn’t sleep more than 5-6 hours because our minds never stop racing. We replay the past like it’s some catchy true that gets stuck...

This Is Why I Write

This Is Why I Write   Writing is how I express myself. It’s how I make sense of the world I live in and the thoughts that I have . I write to find my voice – the voice that doesn’t always speak the truth to people but find its authenticity on paper. I write to try to understand the person that lives inside me, the person that confuses me sometimes and comforts me every now and then. I write to share my stories. The stories that actually happened and the stories that I wished had happened. I write to live my dreams through my words as if by reading them I can actually believe them. I write to forget certain people, or maybe I write to remember them. I write to connect with strangers, to make new friends and to know that I’m not alone. I write to expose the vulnerability that I try to curb every day. I write to free   myself. I write to let people know how much I love them and how much they mean to me. I write about my past to remember ...

The Strongest Girls Have A Loved One In Heaven

The Strongest Girls Have A Loved One In Heaven She knows what pain feels like. Not just the pain of getting dumped or ghosted or cheated on. She’s experienced extreme heartache. The type of heartache that can’t be repaired with a drunken text or a rebound boy. The type of heartache where the person you’re missing is never coming back. She’s strong, because she made a connection with someone — someone beautiful, breathtaking. Someone that deserved to live a long, healthy life free of hurt. But that person was ripped away from her. She didn’t get enough time with them. Didn’t say everything she should have. It’s unfair, but she’s learned to accept that’s the way life is. The universe doesn’t play favorites. And that’s okay, even though it’s not really okay at all. Her strength was tested the day she found out the news — and every day since then. She’s questioned herself. Questioned the meaning of life. Questioned whatever God she believes...

When You Find The Right Person, Everything Will Fall Into Place

When You Find The Right Person, Everything Will Fall Into Place Ever since I can remember, I’ve seen the world through wondering eyes. I believe the mere fact that we are alive is extraordinary. I’ve always had too many questions, too many thoughts, but not too many words. I usually keep to myself. It’s always been hard for me to open up because people are quick to judge before trying to simply listen and understand. Ever since I can remember I’ve had a strong desire to build deeper connections with people, I crave relationships that feed my mind and soul. People I can relate to but also people who will teach me new things. I get bored easily, and if I’m not feeling someone, I simply cut them off. Due to this, I was scared I was never going to truly fall in love with someone. Previous experiences left me with not only trust issues, but with reduced hope. Last year, without expecting it, I fell in love for the first time. I found someone who I felt easily comfortable wi...