To everyone who has been told that they need to "chill" because they're too emotional


I'm sure it's nice to be chill.I'm sure it's so much easier to live in this day and age when you are not as emotional or hot-headed as others.I'm sure it prevents a lot of heartbreak and pain when you don't care about what people do to you and when you don't fall too deeply.I'm sure it's refreshing to know that you'll never be torn because of another human being since you always have the upper hand.

Its better to be you,I admit that.You just know how to move on,how to get over things,how to detach, how to hurt someone you love or maybe you love, how to be selfish, how to have changed feelings for someone, how to have second thoughts over someone, how to tell someone that you are over whatever the bond you two shared and how to let go.
But you have to understand that some people are simply not born this way.
Some people can't help but feel everything,some people can't help but live through their hearts and their emotions because that's how they feel alive.
They're too emotional, they're impulsive, sometimes they overreact on little things, they're afraid of getting lost again, they're afraid of losing someone they love, they cry, they bleed easily and they need love.They can't live without love.They need to feel.It's their air, their water, their wind and their universe.

Asking the
m to be 'chill' or 'cool' is like asking a flower to bloom in the middle of winter.
They're just not wired this way, it's not in their nature, their minds can't
comprehend it and their hearts can't just let go.

They're the ones who hold on, they're the ones who forgive easily, they're the ones who keep giving chances because they can't live without the other person, they're the ones who keep fighting for all the wrong ones, they're the ones who love unconditionally and without any boundaries, they're the ones who dream and the ones who still believe in happy endings.
When they like someone, they want to be with them all the time, they want to know everything about them, they want to be always there for them and they want to cherish them.They can't play games, they can't date multiple people, they just can't take their feelings lightly and they don't know how to forget someone they can't stop thinking about.

When they are hurting, they can't just switch their feelings off, they know that they have to get hurt in order to heal, they need time to understand their pain and they need space to regain their strength.They can't wake up and pretend like nothing happened the other night, they can't act, they can't just live their day-to-day life when they know something is killing them.

They know they make their lives harder than it has to be but they can't also run away from themselves.They can't run away from the truth.They can't run
 away from their feelings.
So don't tell them to be chill.Just tell them it's okay to hurt, it's okay to feel, it's okay to have emotions that others may not understand, because they know that no one can really help them or understand them but sometimes they just want to know that people won't judge them, they won't make fun of them, they won't call them crazy, because they already feel alone in this world and it gets lonelier when even the closest people to them are asking them to be someone they can't be, someone they can't even understand.

And I think I can tell this because may be I'm one of them...😊😊



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