
Showing posts from June, 2019

This Is Why Passionate Girls Come Across As Clingy

This Is Why Passion ate Girls Come Across As Clingy She texts first and initiates dates and blurts out how she feels. But that doesn’t mean she’s clingy. She’s not going to wilt without your love. She can survive on her own. She’s perfectly capable of lasting the weekend without a hot date and eating a dinner cooked for one. This girl isn’t desperate. She’s passionate. She would rather come on too strong than too weak. She would rather admit that she cares than pretend that she’s heartless. She isn’t interested in games. Sending mixed signals. Playing hard to get. Trying to trick someone into liking her by being a watered down version of herself. In her mind, it’s better to text back after two seconds than two hours. It’s better to make plans than act like she’s too busy to see you. It’s better to admit how much she likes you than to hint about her feelings for months. Why lie? Why pretend? Why not take a leap and speak from the heart? Why not be honest wi